chloe & ivan: Maddox Maxwell 9 lbs 22 inches
chloe & ivan: Early in the evening. So fun to have phones like this in modern times!
chloe & ivan: Early in the evening. Walking around with the 17 dollar water bottle.
chloe & ivan: Early. What we found walking around the hospital.
chloe & ivan: Later. Laboring in the shower.
chloe & ivan: Waiting for the baby
chloe & ivan: Later. Getting monitored.
chloe & ivan: First view!
chloe & ivan: Fluffing up the new baby
chloe & ivan: First view!
chloe & ivan: First sips
chloe & ivan: Cheeseburger Birthday Cake!
chloe & ivan: Baby Maddox Maxwell being watched over by a little sheep...
chloe & ivan: 2 Days Old! #MaddoxMaxwell
chloe & ivan: Leaving the hospital. First sunshine for the babe!
chloe & ivan: Leaving the hospital. First sunshine for the babe!
chloe & ivan: Leaving the hospital. First sunshine for the babe!
chloe & ivan: Leaving the hospital. First sunshine for the babe!
chloe & ivan: Leaving the hospital. First sunshine for the babe!
chloe & ivan: My sister asked how they were doing. They are doing pretty nicely right now ; )
chloe & ivan: Jasmine getting all the cutest shots while I am working on the dark futon cover.
chloe & ivan: Yeah Baby!
chloe & ivan: Out with Valerie & Jasmine & Baby Maddox #IlTramezzino11 : )
chloe & ivan: The Mama with a new great hat. BB always looks fine. Two weeks old.
chloe & ivan: In Babies R Us with Daddy Chuck and new Grandma Grace (her first grandchild!) visiting from Las Vegas.
chloe & ivan: Someone might be too big to ride on the tigers in BabiesRUs. Might be.
chloe & ivan: One month old
chloe & ivan: One month old
chloe & ivan: Almost one month old. #MaddoxMaxwell From the phone because I am still working on the computer memory. Computer will not upload one pic. Not one.
chloe & ivan: Grandma time : ) Heh heh. #MaddoxMaxwell