chloe & ivan: U Haul almost ready to leave.
chloe & ivan: My new favorite product. Clingy plastic for moving.
chloe & ivan: Moving-3
chloe & ivan: Moving-4
chloe & ivan: Can't escape vertical blinds.
chloe & ivan: Fun fireplace, hideous putty color, in a glossy finish.
chloe & ivan: Moving-7
chloe & ivan: Moving-8
chloe & ivan: Lots of closets.
chloe & ivan: Moving-10
chloe & ivan: Moving-11
chloe & ivan: Skylights! Yay!
chloe & ivan: Moving-13
chloe & ivan: Moving-14
chloe & ivan: The U Haul broke down. Fortunately we had already unpacked. Sat in the middle of the road for 3 hrs.
chloe & ivan: U Haul failure.
chloe & ivan: They kept taking apart the same parts. Finally they had it towed away.
chloe & ivan: Consultation over the U Haul in the middle of the busy street. Yep, it's broken.
chloe & ivan: Unpacked some familiar things.
chloe & ivan: Saved seeds getting unpacked.
chloe & ivan: Familiar things coming out of the moving boxes
chloe & ivan: Meatballs
chloe & ivan: grilling lavash
chloe & ivan: Outake ; ) from A Flickr Story
chloe & ivan: A Flickr Story
chloe & ivan: Pigeon sleeping on the balcony.
chloe & ivan: Books about home getting unpacked
chloe & ivan: Food files and spelling problems. Still unpacking.
chloe & ivan: Teriyaki chicken, with grated ginger on fresh vegetables.
chloe & ivan: Turned some flash on the pigeon pair. 4th floor.