chloe & ivan: Boiled peanuts
chloe & ivan: '63 VW with a Chevy motor and more
chloe & ivan: '63 VW. I don't think those tanks came with the original.
chloe & ivan: '63 VW
chloe & ivan: Big Rosie's
chloe & ivan: Pit smoked BBQ
chloe & ivan: Budget blew it
chloe & ivan: entering Alabama
chloe & ivan: Alabama welcome center
chloe & ivan: Evening at the Alabama welcome center
chloe & ivan: Carved marble at the Alabama welcome center
chloe & ivan: sunset on the road
chloe & ivan: Catfish cabin for fishtrax
chloe & ivan: Hot breakfast and internet
chloe & ivan: My brother and my waffle.
chloe & ivan: Waffle on the road, with styrafoam and the WSJ
chloe & ivan: Ezell's Catfish Cabin in the daytime
chloe & ivan: The Magnolia State
chloe & ivan: The Welcome Center for Mississippi
chloe & ivan: In the Mississippi hospitality house
chloe & ivan: General Lee in the Mississippi hospitality house
chloe & ivan: Welcome to Mississippi
chloe & ivan: Memphis, Tennesee
chloe & ivan: First look at Elvis in Memphis
chloe & ivan: Sculpture of BB King in Memphis
chloe & ivan: Sculpture of BB King in Memphis-2
chloe & ivan: Gibson Factory
chloe & ivan: BB King's Blues Club
chloe & ivan: Lucille