chloe & ivan: Pack, or Purge?
chloe & ivan: Trays get packed. Red & White Nordic snowflakes and reindeer will probably not fly in Florida.
chloe & ivan: How inviting. Delightful and attractive.
chloe & ivan: moving the office
chloe & ivan: Cat with a vice
chloe & ivan: Cat with a vice 2
chloe & ivan: Today's moment of mind numbing indecision while packing
chloe & ivan: Sliced eggs with segmented grapefruit and a sprinkling of Himalayan pink salt.
chloe & ivan: The egg slicer about to be left behind
chloe & ivan: I also have a pan that I only use for grilled cheese.
chloe & ivan: Ginger supervising sorting the jewelry
chloe & ivan: Bacon, tomato, and avocado sandwich after a day of packing and purging.
chloe & ivan: Sometime this week
chloe & ivan: The other side of the room sometime this week
chloe & ivan: Demitri
chloe & ivan: Ginger
chloe & ivan: Tom taking my stuff away