chloe & ivan: At Slater Mill.
chloe & ivan: Cotton thread
chloe & ivan: Spools
chloe & ivan: Slater Mill
chloe & ivan: Alone with their thoughts
chloe & ivan: Like an Organ. Weaving as music.
chloe & ivan: Tools and spools above a workbench at Slater Mill
chloe & ivan: Wood model for a cast iron part
chloe & ivan: Wood model, cast iron machine part
chloe & ivan: Water powered pulleys
chloe & ivan: Water powered belts and gears in the machine shop
chloe & ivan: Cotton
chloe & ivan: Inside the tool shop.
chloe & ivan: thread and gears
chloe & ivan: In the machine shop
chloe & ivan: Dividers
chloe & ivan: Slater Mill and the river that powered it