chloe & ivan: Marcus and Tilly were just picking up after the long holiday week when the Bluebird of Happiness unexpectedly showed up.
chloe & ivan: The Bluebird of Happiness felt so refreshed visiting with the happy mice.
chloe & ivan: What do you mean, housing is a human right?
chloe & ivan: Marcus and Tilly spent a quiet evening relaxing at Lola's on the waterfront with Queso and Margaritas.
chloe & ivan: Marcus and Tilly Occupied the fence in the park during the evening commute. It was cold out, and a storm was coming. They had brought hot coffee in the thermos. They had natural fur coats to keep warm.
chloe & ivan: Marcus and Tilly settled in to watch their favorite team.
chloe & ivan: The mice were hungry. Where were the snacks?
chloe & ivan: Finally the snacks arrived.
chloe & ivan: Fun A Day 2012 meet and greet at AS220
chloe & ivan: Fun A Day 2012 meet and greet at AS220
chloe & ivan: Fun A Day 2012 meet and greet at AS220
chloe & ivan: Game day. They had lasagna and calzones and pizza stripes and chicken and nachos and chips and pizza squares
chloe & ivan: Marcus and Tilly watching, or not watching, the playoffs.
chloe & ivan: Game day almost at the end and still so much food.
chloe & ivan: Marcus and Tilly went downtown to support their local protesters.
chloe & ivan: The mice presented their views, adding their voices to the variety of issues being raised.
chloe & ivan: While they talked Marcus noticed a small black van had rolled up.
chloe & ivan: Marcus was getting a really bad feeling
chloe & ivan: What were the Mice In Black doing here?
chloe & ivan: The Mice In Black were the most secret branch of mouse civilizing authority.
chloe & ivan: Mice In Black were certainly not in the park to support protesters.
chloe & ivan: Marcus and Tilly Were impressed by all the fresh fruit at Bar Louis.
chloe & ivan: The bartender fixed them up with a perfect Margarita.
chloe & ivan: Tilly ordered Blue cheese stuffed olives.
chloe & ivan: The Mice In Black
chloe & ivan: Marcus and Tilly waited at the airport to pick up Juliette.
chloe & ivan: Juliette arrived from Toronto
chloe & ivan: Marcus's photo of Tilly and Juliette in the airport.
chloe & ivan: Superbowl snacks arrived!