chloe & ivan: One of two Kitty hats just for a day like this.
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Playing in the snow after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Pristine snow, no one was here yet
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sprinting Mother+child on sled+tree
chloe & ivan: Rhode Island Statehouse lawn, after the 2010 Blizzard.
chloe & ivan: Heading downtown to sled after the 2010 blizzard
chloe & ivan: Sledding after the Blizzard