chloe & ivan: Spanakopita
chloe & ivan: Spanakopita
chloe & ivan: Spanakopita 1
chloe & ivan: Spanakopita 2
chloe & ivan: Spanakopita 3
chloe & ivan: Spanakopita 4
chloe & ivan: Spanakopita 5
chloe & ivan: Spanakopita fin
chloe & ivan: silly spanakopita
chloe & ivan: Working with filo. I have pulled a sheet of the filo dough off here to work with and am immediately covering the rest with the damp yellow kitchen towel.
chloe & ivan: A small blob of the filling in the corner.
chloe & ivan: Buttering with my hands. That worked OK.
chloe & ivan: Folded the filo over filling.
chloe & ivan: The triangles are a flag fold - see that?
chloe & ivan: Keep folding. Notice I am working on a plastic mat.
chloe & ivan: Now you can pick it up,
chloe & ivan: Let's go over that again! Blob, not too much or it will burst out of your triangle when they bake.
chloe & ivan: Folding the buttered sheet over the blob of filling.
chloe & ivan: More butter, between every layer, handle them gently.
chloe & ivan: Safe to pick up the little triangle now.
chloe & ivan: These were baked at 325 degrees F 'til they looked like this, then they went to a gallery opening. I saved one in the truck for me.