The Chicago Community Trust: CEO of the Trust Terry Mazany holds up a "What you do matters" T-shirt as We Day takes place in Illinois.
The Chicago Community Trust: "What you do matters" buttons are showcased at We Day in Illinois
The Chicago Community Trust: A We Day participant flashes an earnest smile after he recieves a "What you do matters" button.
The Chicago Community Trust: Daniel Cummings hands out We Day buttons to children before musical performances begin.
The Chicago Community Trust: Dennis Haysbert makes a moving speech during We Day.
The Chicago Community Trust: The phrase "Be the Change" is projected behind actor Dennis Haybert as he points toward the lively audience during We Day.
The Chicago Community Trust: Dennis Haysbert looks to the audience for approval when speaking to three We Day participants on stage.
The Chicago Community Trust: We Day speaker addresses the audience.
The Chicago Community Trust: We Day speakers address the audience.
The Chicago Community Trust: Dr.Fred Richardson, Founder and medical director of Richardson's Neighborhood Family Practice, shares some insight at We Day.
The Chicago Community Trust: Selena Gomez looks out toward the audience as she has guests on stage.
The Chicago Community Trust: 2015-4-30_WeDay-07
The Chicago Community Trust: We Day participants help decorate a board for the Trust about philanthropy.
The Chicago Community Trust: Singer and actress Selena Gomez interacts with guests on stage, along with Tom Wilson, Chairman and CEO of the Allstate corporation,
The Chicago Community Trust: Tom Wilson, Chairman and CEO of the Allstate corporation, gives a speech at the We Day celebration.
The Chicago Community Trust: The hashtag "BringOuttheGood" projects on the screen behind Tom Wilson, Chairman and CEO of the Allstate corporation.
The Chicago Community Trust: Selena Gomez, a co-host of We Day, addresses her audience.
The Chicago Community Trust: The Puzzle League, a Chicago based dance crew, all place their hands on their hips as they perform durning We Day.
The Chicago Community Trust: Colbie Caillat, a Grammy Award-winning pop artist sings to the crowd along with guitarists, singers, and pianists.
The Chicago Community Trust: Duplicates of an image displaying the words "Believing in yourself" displays on monitors on the stage during We Day.
The Chicago Community Trust: Mustafa the Poet, a writer, actor and dancer, attends We Day on April 30th, 2015.
The Chicago Community Trust: A close-up shot of the Puzzle League shows the dancers pointing up towards the sky as they finish their routine on stage.
The Chicago Community Trust: The Puzzle League, a Chicago based hip-hop/pop dance company, bows after their terrific performance at We Day.
The Chicago Community Trust: A guest showcases a document titled "State of Illinois: Proclamation"
The Chicago Community Trust: The Trust's "What you do matters" banner stands tall during the We Day celebration on April 30th, 2015.
The Chicago Community Trust: Daniel Cumming, Jean Westrick, and Martiza Bandera pose in front of the Trust's "What you do matters" banner.
The Chicago Community Trust: A We Day host smiles at the audience.
The Chicago Community Trust: An announcement projects on the screen about We Day's broadcasting
The Chicago Community Trust: Thousands of We Day supporters fill the stands as they cheer on perfomers for the event.
The Chicago Community Trust: A We Day participant decorates the Trust board with acts of philanthropy.