chiro5206: Too cold to sleep outside my house
chiro5206: Do you want to touch me?
chiro5206: Leave me alone.
chiro5206: Come here,Minnmi ♪
chiro5206: What are you thinking?Minnmi
chiro5206: I'm here
chiro5206: Come out・・・・・・・
chiro5206: Fantasy?
chiro5206: May I come in?
chiro5206: a gaze 2
chiro5206: Ichi's sweet home
chiro5206: The White Brothers
chiro5206: You're lost・・・・・
chiro5206: 「tell me the way to・・・・・・?」
chiro5206: 「Can you find me?」
chiro5206: Are you angry?
chiro5206: One more yummy
chiro5206: Hi,angeles♪
chiro5206: fuwa fuwa
chiro5206: My favorite cussion
chiro5206: Don't disturb.......
chiro5206: Niini
chiro5206: Niini in a morning lights. Wake up~~
chiro5206: Minmi,Good night and see you tomorrow morning♪
chiro5206: Best freind?
chiro5206: Nini&Minmi♪
chiro5206: Nini
chiro5206: Ichi !!??
chiro5206: Minnmi
chiro5206: I don't mind but she's angry behind me...