chipsewi: Timesquare New York City
chipsewi: Timesquare New York City
chipsewi: Timesquare New York City
chipsewi: Brooklyn (NYC)
chipsewi: Radio City Music Hall
chipsewi: Weihnachten am Rockefeller Center / Christmas at the Rockefeller Center
chipsewi: Empire State Building & Brooklyn Bridge
chipsewi: Empire State Building
chipsewi: Top Of The Rocks
chipsewi: Timesquare New York City (Neuer Version / new version)
chipsewi: Hard Rock Cafe
chipsewi: verpasst / missed
chipsewi: Monument
chipsewi: Schau / looking
chipsewi: Be Happy
chipsewi: Brooklyn View
chipsewi: Die Brücke / The bridge
chipsewi: Die Brücke (s/w) / The bridge (b/w)
chipsewi: Empire State Straßenansicht / Empire State streetview
chipsewi: Verkehr / Traffic
chipsewi: Verkehr / Traffic (colorkey)
chipsewi: Verkaufen / Selling
chipsewi: Anlegen / Dockin
chipsewi: In den Straßen / in the streets
chipsewi: Flat Iron
chipsewi: Flat Iron (sw / bw)
chipsewi: Stop
chipsewi: Aussicht / few
chipsewi: Downtown