Alex 'Chipp': backflip nohander
Alex 'Chipp': transfer tabletop
Alex 'Chipp': tailwhip
Alex 'Chipp': fj whip
Alex 'Chipp': barspin
Alex 'Chipp': tabletop
Alex 'Chipp': nohander
Alex 'Chipp': tabletop
Alex 'Chipp': 180 tailwhip
Alex 'Chipp': 360 x-up onefoot
Alex 'Chipp': bannybar over fence
Alex 'Chipp': transfer barspin to fakie
Alex 'Chipp': walltop, from pool to fence
Alex 'Chipp': invert
Alex 'Chipp': eurotabletop transfer
Alex 'Chipp': barspin
Alex 'Chipp': eurotable
Alex 'Chipp': transfer tabletop
Alex 'Chipp': 360invert
Alex 'Chipp': doubleflip
Alex 'Chipp': nosemanual
Alex 'Chipp': hoppin`
Alex 'Chipp': the same wallride
Alex 'Chipp': wallride
Alex 'Chipp': ridin` wet street
Alex 'Chipp': Dartmoor Cody`11
Alex 'Chipp': NS Majesty check