Chipmonkey (^o^): The Shoe Tree
Chipmonkey (^o^): Riding into the mouth of hell
Chipmonkey (^o^): Burr Trail
Chipmonkey (^o^): Today, the motos get a ride. And we get to add another mode of transportation to our collection.
Chipmonkey (^o^): Ummmm... This highway doesn't look like other highways.
Chipmonkey (^o^): I'm hoooooome!
Chipmonkey (^o^): Planes, trains and automobiles? Nah!
Chipmonkey (^o^): Me and my Pop
Chipmonkey (^o^): Two rivers collide
Chipmonkey (^o^): Goodbye land, we are leaving you for water
Chipmonkey (^o^): My first fry sauce of the trip - yum
Chipmonkey (^o^): Ben gets his first Utah microbrew
Chipmonkey (^o^): Oh the places we've seen (and by day 3!)