noah-chi: drinking beer instead of taking shots
noah-chi: made lunches for myself
noah-chi: annoy people
noah-chi: had awesome cupcakes
noah-chi: ate ripe tomatos
noah-chi: visited toronto
noah-chi: visited michigan
noah-chi: watch the air and water show
noah-chi: and played with BULB shots
noah-chi: setup stupid shots
noah-chi: went camping
noah-chi: went camping
noah-chi: goto the beach
noah-chi: celebrated more birthdays
noah-chi: saw old friends
noah-chi: catch a white sox game
noah-chi: played bags
noah-chi: celebrated friends birthdays
noah-chi: walk around the transformers movie set
noah-chi: also ate really bright food
noah-chi: ride my bike
noah-chi: and then they end up in my bedroom....
noah-chi: had friends over
noah-chi: had friends over
noah-chi: summer is over