nchenga: grapes
nchenga: chickens
nchenga: 20221022_155940
nchenga: 20221022_151918
nchenga: near Vitra on the Tobias Rehberger walk
nchenga: 20221022_155945
nchenga: 20221022_160130
nchenga: 20221022_155935
nchenga: 20221022_155739
nchenga: uphill
nchenga: chicken crawl
nchenga: 20221022_162416
nchenga: 20221022_160123
nchenga: vineyard
nchenga: 20221022_155735
nchenga: they say 2022 will be a great wine cos of the amount of sun we had this year
nchenga: 20221022_155841
nchenga: 20221022_162451
nchenga: tobias rehberger
nchenga: 20221022_162219
nchenga: 20221022_162414
nchenga: 20221022_155851
nchenga: tobias rehberger walk
nchenga: in the vineyard
nchenga: chickens
nchenga: 20221022_160816