nchenga: architectural shapes
nchenga: cement and blue door
nchenga: schienen garten
nchenga: architectural shapes 2
nchenga: tacho
nchenga: container terminal
nchenga: flickr photo tour Dreispitz group shadow
nchenga: looking closer
nchenga: around the corner
nchenga: wood
nchenga: in transit
nchenga: architectural shapes 4
nchenga: architectural shapes 3
nchenga: 4 point 9 t
nchenga: train
nchenga: flickr photo walk around at Dreispitz
nchenga: schienen
nchenga: parkhaus
nchenga: bridge structure
nchenga: gate detail
nchenga: looking up berry good
nchenga: walking
nchenga: close up of paint blisters
nchenga: closer
nchenga: the bridge again