Chion Wolf: our guests today
Chion Wolf: John Dankosky
Chion Wolf: John Dankosky
Chion Wolf: sewing machine. nice and shiny!
Chion Wolf: sewing machine
Chion Wolf: sewing machine
Chion Wolf: my help for a belt
Chion Wolf: waiting
Chion Wolf: sharps
Chion Wolf: reflective
Chion Wolf: waiting
Chion Wolf: being x-rayed
Chion Wolf: x-ray table
Chion Wolf: R is for Right
Chion Wolf: x-ray machine
Chion Wolf: files
Chion Wolf: not so much.
Chion Wolf: dark room for x-rays
Chion Wolf: isMEE!
Chion Wolf: the doctor said my lung looks GREAT! How cool.
Chion Wolf: shoulder
Chion Wolf: A good degree to be
Chion Wolf: because i'm covered in dust.