Chion Wolf: jess and a big-ass bottle of champagne
Chion Wolf: michelle
Chion Wolf: champagne!
Chion Wolf: Michelle getting outfitted with Jess' Red Sox jersey!
Chion Wolf: michelle's new MySpace picture
Chion Wolf: me and my jesus wafer!
Chion Wolf: me & remy
Chion Wolf: michelle & remy
Chion Wolf: jess in an apron! the way she SHOULD be!
Chion Wolf: the crew! michelle, jess, solomon, jonatha and derek
Chion Wolf: jonatha & derek
Chion Wolf: solomon
Chion Wolf: michelle & jess
Chion Wolf: derek
Chion Wolf: jonatha
Chion Wolf: solomon
Chion Wolf: jonatha
Chion Wolf: jonatha & derek
Chion Wolf: michelle & jess
Chion Wolf: derek
Chion Wolf: solomon!
Chion Wolf: jonatha
Chion Wolf: jonatha
Chion Wolf: michelle
Chion Wolf: jonatha
Chion Wolf: me & michelle
Chion Wolf: Jonatha & Michelle looking for veins