chinajen: Prague Old Town square
chinajen: Building cameo
chinajen: Statue wall
chinajen: David Czerny King Wencelas statue
chinajen: Grand Prague buildings
chinajen: King Wencelas Square
chinajen: Performers in King Wencelas Square
chinajen: Bay window
chinajen: Alley shop
chinajen: Rino lucerna
chinajen: Prague subway
chinajen: Graphic windows
chinajen: Narrow street view
chinajen: The world's first and only cubist lamppost
chinajen: Old cathedral view
chinajen: Old reflected in new
chinajen: Artistic stumps
chinajen: Yellow guard
chinajen: Prague manhole cover
chinajen: Another square
chinajen: Absinthe museum
chinajen: Blocks decorated by passers-by
chinajen: Apartment decorated like a cake
chinajen: Deer head
chinajen: Mosaic
chinajen: Art deco window
chinajen: Municipal House interior
chinajen: Municipal House floor tiles
chinajen: Modern art installation
chinajen: Streetcar tracks