chinacat013: Lanten Rose
chinacat013: Lawn after reseeding last fall
chinacat013: IMG_7985
chinacat013: IMG_7995
chinacat013: Blue Star Amsonia peeking through
chinacat013: IMG_7973
chinacat013: Two plants in one spot -- one of them has to go
chinacat013: Tiger Lilies survived the winter
chinacat013: IMG_7968
chinacat013: Damn squirrel
chinacat013: Lenten Rose and Tulips
chinacat013: An admirer from up high
chinacat013: Arugula sprouted within 24 hours
chinacat013: IMG_8015
chinacat013: IMG_8018
chinacat013: IMG_8043
chinacat013: Delicate Virgina Blue Bells
chinacat013: IMG_8103
chinacat013: IMG_8094
chinacat013: The Trumpet Creepers replaced the Tangerine Beauty planted last fall
chinacat013: Jim's Snake Grass
chinacat013: The path now wraps around the entire back yard
chinacat013: Lacey Japanese Maple - I finally got my wish
chinacat013: Spring finally arrived!
chinacat013: Jim put in a new border to separate the bed from the lawn
chinacat013: Virginia Blue bells again.. They grow naturally along river banks here in VA
chinacat013: Chokeberry seems to be happy where it is
chinacat013: The dogwood next door complements the Schip Laurel
chinacat013: Schip Laurel flowering -- this is the only (and THE smartest plant) that the previous owner planted. The flowers perfume the air , and the bees love them. In the fall, this evergreen produces red berries.
chinacat013: We divided the creeping phlox and put them with the Rose of Sharons