chinacat013: Roadside restaurant
chinacat013: Roadside stand
chinacat013: Nature hike
chinacat013: The lodge
chinacat013: Quito - Ecuador's capital
chinacat013: Van crossing over Quijos
chinacat013: Scouting
chinacat013: Old bridge by the lodge
chinacat013: Market
chinacat013: Maddy & Robin
chinacat013: Maddy & Matt
chinacat013: Matt outfitting the boat
chinacat013: Local strike in Borja (lasted almost the whole week.)
chinacat013: Maddy, Don and Larry running the rapid
chinacat013: Robin running the rapid
chinacat013: Our cabins
chinacat013: Scouting
chinacat013: At the put-in
chinacat013: Matt running the big one of the day (1)
chinacat013: Matt running the big one of the day (2)
chinacat013: Matt running the big one of the day (3)