PTroglodytes: Suli and her infant
PTroglodytes: Suli with her new infant, Zain
PTroglodytes: Suli, the new mum
PTroglodytes: Sun Bears Wrestling
PTroglodytes: Pusung's hands
PTroglodytes: Pusung's hairy toes
PTroglodytes: Pusung the orangutan
PTroglodytes: Pusung having a well deserved rest
PTroglodytes: Orangutan Foot
PTroglodytes: Kluet the orangutan
PTroglodytes: Suli the siamang
PTroglodytes: Suli the siamang
PTroglodytes: Breakfast for Irian and Suli
PTroglodytes: Suli and her six-week-old baby, Zain
PTroglodytes: Zain and mum Suli
PTroglodytes: Lonely Leroy
PTroglodytes: Pusung
PTroglodytes: Hamadryas Baboon
PTroglodytes: Barbary Sheep baby
PTroglodytes: American Alligator
PTroglodytes: Akbar with his melon
PTroglodytes: Pygmy Hippo
PTroglodytes: Pygmy Hippo
PTroglodytes: Tree Hugger