chimblysweep: trackstand on the pier.
chimblysweep: Lots of bikes in Mark's garage
chimblysweep: the cap'n
chimblysweep: yarr, the million dollar pirate house.
chimblysweep: on the pier.
chimblysweep: mmm. orange gatorade.
chimblysweep: orange gatorade. non-drinker in the background.
chimblysweep: Anitra in the park
chimblysweep: Mark's Ride.
chimblysweep: Me with the Magical Mushroom Tree
chimblysweep: fixed love.
chimblysweep: Anitra in the sand.
chimblysweep: the spraypaint park in Venice Beach.
chimblysweep: geeks rule.
chimblysweep: Mark trackstands in his den.
chimblysweep: Griffith Park observatory
chimblysweep: Santa Monica
chimblysweep: The observatory from afar.
chimblysweep: The observatory from closer up.
chimblysweep: LA, looking West.
chimblysweep: The Hollywood sign.
chimblysweep: the Chinese Theatre
chimblysweep: Sue at the Chinese Theater
chimblysweep: tacoline.
chimblysweep: double fisting.
chimblysweep: kyle's odd collection of new balance
chimblysweep: Kyle holds court with his bikes.
chimblysweep: the boyz.