chimblysweep: awwww.
chimblysweep: brean and john.
chimblysweep: dan. who thinks there are national bike gangs. whatever.
chimblysweep: scott.
chimblysweep: patty.
chimblysweep: scott.
chimblysweep: john, brean, julie.
chimblysweep: ken, being ken.
chimblysweep: *ehem*
chimblysweep: figuring something out, i think. who knows. i was drunk.
chimblysweep: the fallen soldiers.
chimblysweep: jason.
chimblysweep: dan, the host with the most.
chimblysweep: brean passed out early. he snores, btw.
chimblysweep: jason, leif in the background.
chimblysweep: waiting for the race...
chimblysweep: Adam, looking dashing.
chimblysweep: first drunk.
chimblysweep: jason, injured.
chimblysweep: thanks Brean for the random oddstuff.
chimblysweep: smuggling beer. unfortunately, i was only clever enough to smuggle 1.
chimblysweep: thank you, msngr, the yoyos were enjoyed by all.
chimblysweep: LBK, all the way.
chimblysweep: aw yeah.
chimblysweep: jill and i, displaying our planned downfall.