Nishi Drew: They're cleaner than their surroundings
Nishi Drew: Black and Yellow
Nishi Drew: 並べたら‥
Nishi Drew: 提灯オンリー
Nishi Drew: Gion 011
Nishi Drew: Gion 010
Nishi Drew: Just for you
Nishi Drew: Gion 007
Nishi Drew: Gion 006
Nishi Drew: Round, Water
Nishi Drew: 夏の夜、見上げたら、提灯
Nishi Drew: Gion 003
Nishi Drew: Gion 002
Nishi Drew: まだ開いてるよ
Nishi Drew: Protected in many ways
Nishi Drew: どちらへ?
Nishi Drew: Blades
Nishi Drew: Nearsighted
Nishi Drew: End of the alley
Nishi Drew: At the end of the path...
Nishi Drew: Rainy View : 京都
Nishi Drew: Red Glow : 清水寺前
Nishi Drew: Hidden : 着物の色
Nishi Drew: Reflection of past self
Nishi Drew: 雪も降れば
Nishi Drew: My love for color
Nishi Drew: お墓参り