I'm OK Jack:
Marine Paint...
I'm OK Jack:
Old Farmhouse
I'm OK Jack:
Flowering fields...
I'm OK Jack:
Another shot (third pic of many)...
I'm OK Jack:
View from the "other side" (second pic of many)...
I'm OK Jack:
A pack-rat lives here (first pic of many)...
I'm OK Jack:
New(ish) railcars being slowly taken over...
I'm OK Jack:
What the bees see...
I'm OK Jack:
What stories lie within...
I'm OK Jack:
The Old Beekeeper's House
I'm OK Jack:
Leaving on a flight...
I'm OK Jack:
For Sale (by appointment only)...
I'm OK Jack:
Boats (close-up)...
I'm OK Jack:
Marine Junkyard...
I'm OK Jack:
The Queen, She died... but the Captain lives on... LOL !!!
I'm OK Jack:
Remember this old tub ???