I'm OK Jack: The Young Ones *
I'm OK Jack: Bulging at the seams...
I'm OK Jack: Learning to fly...
I'm OK Jack: "And thus...", said the Lord, "...let there be winged birds of the air... I give thee three..."
I'm OK Jack: Final goodbye... Empty nest and a dollop of poop !!!
I'm OK Jack: One on the ground
I'm OK Jack: The remaining two
I'm OK Jack: ...So baby took off !!!
I'm OK Jack: Mom (on the left) pecked baby on the head !!!
I'm OK Jack: Today's the day... first baby on the edge...
I'm OK Jack: Which way's the wind blowing ???
I'm OK Jack: Don't go Bro... don't go !!!
I'm OK Jack: With a Sunshinny day ahead...
I'm OK Jack: Feeling adventurous
I'm OK Jack: OK... I'll grab that (fresh) poop
I'm OK Jack: Fatten up kidlets... big day ahead...
I'm OK Jack: Ready to eat guys ???
I'm OK Jack: Shit... I'm starving...
I'm OK Jack: Who didn't get any last time ???
I'm OK Jack: Mom's fuming !!!
I'm OK Jack: ...giving me heck !!!
I'm OK Jack: Learning to fly
I'm OK Jack: I want outta here...
I'm OK Jack: Being squished
I'm OK Jack: Stretching the wings
I'm OK Jack: Waiting for more food
I'm OK Jack: Here comes Mom !!!