Chillibones: Gold Creek Reservoir - Stout Vicetail - Hemigomphus heteroclytus.
Chillibones: Gold Creek Reservoir - Grass-yellow. 2.
Chillibones: Gold Creek Reservoir - Grass-yellow. 1.
Chillibones: Gold Creek Reservoir - A pair of Freshwater Catfish - Tandanus tandanus. 2.
Chillibones: Gold Creek Reservoir - A pair of Freshwater Catfish - Tandanus tandanus. 1.
Chillibones: Unidentified - maybe Spangled Perch?
Chillibones: Unidentified - maybe Spangled Perch?
Chillibones: Gold Creek Reservoir - Sea Mullet - Mugil cephalus. 2.
Chillibones: Gold Creek Reservoir - Sea Mullet - Mugil cephalus. 1.
Chillibones: Gold Creek Reservoir - Grass seeds
Chillibones: 20141209-DSCF6716
Chillibones: 20141209-DSCF6724
Chillibones: Fuji xp1 35mm@5.6 (2)
Chillibones: Fuji xp1 35mm@5.6 (1)