chili5558: Moving to a better pasture
chili5558: Aspens near Flagstaff
chili5558: Tourism in the time of pandemic
chili5558: View at Mather Point
chili5558: Autumn arrives in the mountains
chili5558: Peace
chili5558: Bryce Canyon National Park
chili5558: Hoodoos
chili5558: No jumping!
chili5558: Wupatki National Monument
chili5558: Wukoki ruins
chili5558: Meteor Crater
chili5558: Mormon Lake, Arizona
chili5558: Grand Canyon
chili5558: Jupiter, a meteor and the Milky Way
chili5558: Andromeda
chili5558: Courthouse Rock
chili5558: Bell Rock
chili5558: Bear
chili5558: Petrified Forest
chili5558: Elk near Mormon Lake
chili5558: Milky Way near Munds Park, AZ