www.higbyphotography.com: Barbara Morris, Washington Sq. Park, NYC
www.higbyphotography.com: Washington Sq. park musicians
www.higbyphotography.com: Thas How Thanksgiving Eve Go!
www.higbyphotography.com: Self portrait of Barb and I
www.higbyphotography.com: The Hawker Jet
www.higbyphotography.com: Barb in Chicago
www.higbyphotography.com: Dora the Explora
www.higbyphotography.com: shot to the head
www.higbyphotography.com: I'm ready for my close up Mr. Deville.
www.higbyphotography.com: Working with chalk
www.higbyphotography.com: Selfie in Amsterdam
www.higbyphotography.com: Barbara and Coltrane
www.higbyphotography.com: Trionne and the singing bowl
www.higbyphotography.com: Disturbing clown
www.higbyphotography.com: Sharlie and Karen
www.higbyphotography.com: Sharlie retouched in Photoshop