☆chifeng★: tea time
☆chifeng★: Happy birthday daddy & mommy
☆chifeng★: breakfast
☆chifeng★: i made a traditional umberalla 我意思意思的做了紙傘
☆chifeng★: and then i made a teru teru bozu 然後又意思意思的做了晴天娃娃~
☆chifeng★: Rollie and toy TLR
☆chifeng★: Rollieflex needs to be cleaned
☆chifeng★: love JTS
☆chifeng★: dine with Angel
☆chifeng★: blue and red plus some green
☆chifeng★: afternoon tea
☆chifeng★: coffee break donuts for bb
☆chifeng★: good morning bb!
☆chifeng★: Maple syrup cupcakes with chocolate ganache frosting
☆chifeng★: Good morning BB!
☆chifeng★: 大同電扇
☆chifeng★: pingu my sister