chientai of tatu: 大門口 (The gate)
chientai of tatu: 捲毛客廳 (living room)
chientai of tatu: 木板平台 (wooden platform)
chientai of tatu: 大江東去 (calligraphy of Su Dong Puo)
chientai of tatu: 農試所的朋友 (Expert talking)
chientai of tatu: 捲毛說... (The Curl talking)
chientai of tatu: 捲毛說... (The Curl talking)
chientai of tatu: 窗外平台 (The platform outside)
chientai of tatu: 黏人的野貓 (A friendly unknown cat)
chientai of tatu: 黏人的野貓 (A friendly unknown cat)
chientai of tatu: 韓大哥說... (Han talking)
chientai of tatu: 地瓜+鳳梨 (Snack)
chientai of tatu: 地瓜+鳳梨 (Snack)
chientai of tatu: 出售中 (for sale)
chientai of tatu: 出售中 (for sale)
chientai of tatu: 出售中 (for sale)
chientai of tatu: 火龍果的花 (dragon fruit flowering in the night)
chientai of tatu: 火龍果的花 (dragon fruit flowering in the night)
chientai of tatu: 滿園的火龍果花 (all dragon fruit flowering in the night)
chientai of tatu: 失之交臂的三合院 (The traditional Taiwan house failed to meet)
chientai of tatu: 失之交臂的三合院 (The traditional Taiwan house failed to meet)
chientai of tatu: 失之交臂的三合院 (The traditional Taiwan house failed to meet)