Chiels: poter on the dock 4
Chiels: porter on the dock 3
Chiels: poter on the dock 2
Chiels: Porter on the dock
Chiels: Oh~~~
Chiels: mask like bug face
Chiels: Sierra Leone cricket (?)
Chiels: Common dinner
Chiels: Common dinner
Chiels: Maria, Kirsten, Paola, Ahmed
Chiels: girl dancing 2
Chiels: girl dancing _1
Chiels: girl danced with Sophie
Chiels: Common dinner
Chiels: Ash & Barracuda
Chiels: new born
Chiels: Medylin and the nurses
Chiels: the carpenters in GRC
Chiels: Pretty local
Chiels: Renardo & Akemi
Chiels: Locals in the market.
Chiels: common dinner
Chiels: Bush meat.
Chiels: push up
Chiels: The local gym
Chiels: Akemi, Kirsten, Mathias
Chiels: hospital
Chiels: Colorful Lizard