chickpeastudio: Japanese import at the Checker stand
chickpeastudio: Japanese import at the Checker stand
chickpeastudio: Valery Wells Booth
chickpeastudio: Anna Maria Herself!
chickpeastudio: Anna Maria Horner booth
chickpeastudio: Amy Butler Booth
chickpeastudio: United notions
chickpeastudio: United Notions (recess)
chickpeastudio: American Jane herself!
chickpeastudio: Detail of a quilt from American Jane
chickpeastudio: United Notions
chickpeastudio: How about orange goodness
chickpeastudio: Michael Miller panel
chickpeastudio: Dick and Jane
chickpeastudio: Heather Ross goodness
chickpeastudio: Kokka booth
chickpeastudio: Kokka booth
chickpeastudio: Indigo Junction panel
chickpeastudio: Indigo Juction apron
chickpeastudio: Antique Quilt
chickpeastudio: Teacup by Maria Elkins
chickpeastudio: fig tree
chickpeastudio: Fig Tree T-shirt dress
chickpeastudio: little stitches