chickenworks: Lunch !
chickenworks: Requisite cheesecake shot
chickenworks: Motoring
chickenworks: They're following me....
chickenworks: HG2549
chickenworks: HG2549
chickenworks: HG2549 on the road
chickenworks: HG2549 on the road
chickenworks: HG2549
chickenworks: Best in Show at Autumn Mog 33 !
chickenworks: Cross-eyed Mog
chickenworks: OF7062
chickenworks: OF7062 taking in the sights.
chickenworks: OF7062 (wishes I had a UV filter.)
chickenworks: OF7062: "Steampunk", eat yr heart out.
chickenworks: That's my boys !
chickenworks: Not for the stout or the stiff
chickenworks: Coffee to perk you up ? Or beer to mellow you out ?
chickenworks: We like the 4-wheeled variety, too.
chickenworks: HG and its younger sibling