Melina.: Amanda spikes the punch
Melina.: Smoking and swimming
Melina.: Bones looking unimpressed
Melina.: Martini Shaking
Melina.: Renaissance Jayme
Melina.: Amanda's small cocktail
Melina.: Sock-hop Stephanie
Melina.: Will's Departure
Melina.: Jay's game at the Skydome
Melina.: La Mexicana
Melina.: Duck Hunt high scores
Melina.: Amanda and the Finger
Melina.: Hallowe'en Twin Towers
Melina.: New Years 2006 Martini Lounge
Melina.: Smoking Batman
Melina.: Dan as Aragorn
Melina.: The new car
Melina.: Tsunami Victim with Soldier
Melina.: Cottage portrait of Mike
Melina.: Amanda as Arwen
Melina.: Demetri with Beer
Melina.: Snuggle Me
Melina.: Hallowe'en's (Un)Natural Disasters
Melina.: New Years 06 Crowd
Melina.: Will Bartending
Melina.: The Hanging Bones
Melina.: Curtis at the ballgame
Melina.: Batman and Marty McFly
Melina.: Is that a costume, Matt?
Melina.: Behind the Falls