Oren Ishee: London - Day 1
Oren Ishee: 1 of 6 - Istambul
Oren Ishee: Turkish market
Oren Ishee: Bklyn
Oren Ishee: Macro
Oren Ishee: Trying to find (another) taxi
Oren Ishee: I need a gin...
Oren Ishee: In the event of a real emergency...
Oren Ishee: The Fam
Oren Ishee: Bottom 1% of age distribution
Oren Ishee: Much pacing behind me
Oren Ishee: Creepy
Oren Ishee: A tale of two cities
Oren Ishee: Eyebrow
Oren Ishee: Young whipper snappers and their cameras
Oren Ishee: Surely, you jest
Oren Ishee: In front of the ruins
Oren Ishee: Back to the bus
Oren Ishee: 24_merged1
Oren Ishee: Shave me
Oren Ishee: 29_merged1