chicaletta: I'm cold and sleepy....
chicaletta: -10 Degrees
chicaletta: Post-Stanley Park Xmas train!
chicaletta: snow!
chicaletta: snow!
chicaletta: josie and piper's patio chairs
chicaletta: Christmas Tree!
chicaletta: Cheeeeeeese!
chicaletta: auntie Laura and Uncle Jason and Josie
chicaletta: what does this do?
chicaletta: disco Piper
chicaletta: hi, I'm cute
chicaletta: we are jetlagged....
chicaletta: adorable
chicaletta: uncle Jason comes to save the day - driving us to Glamma and Dubbie's house in the snow on Xmas eve
chicaletta: what's up dere?
chicaletta: Glamma and Josie
chicaletta: oh, a rhinoceros!
chicaletta: open it mommy!
chicaletta: Pj and Laura
chicaletta: what's in there?
chicaletta: my very own capo.....