Second City Warehouse: The Old Jewel o' the Strip
Second City Warehouse: You can almost smell that special "Trop Scent," can't you?
Second City Warehouse: The Tropicana's Glass Canopy
Second City Warehouse: Cameras and Speakers Everywhere
Second City Warehouse: Stained Glass Breastesses
Second City Warehouse: Smile! You're on casino camera!
Second City Warehouse: Shiny, happy, broke people
Second City Warehouse: Thank God for Sky Bridges
Second City Warehouse: Gambling IS Liberty!
Second City Warehouse: This castle has a soft, gooey, kid-filled center.
Second City Warehouse: She looks better at night.
Second City Warehouse: Let the Royal Games Begin!
Second City Warehouse: Sound the Poker Trumpet, Squire!
Second City Warehouse: "Atlas is all-in."
Second City Warehouse: "Golden King of Jungle all-in too! Me crunch Atlas' bones!"
Second City Warehouse: "I crush you with my inferior cards, Mini Sphinx."
Second City Warehouse: "Who's next?"
Second City Warehouse: Little Miss Champion
Second City Warehouse: "Golden King of Jungle feel BAD for sad lady! Here coupon for buffet."
Second City Warehouse: If it were Chicago Chicago, it'd be bigger.
Second City Warehouse: Just like a New York cab ride.
Second City Warehouse: Just like the real thing, except more roller coaster-y.
Second City Warehouse: New York New York
Second City Warehouse: Very Patriotic, I suppose.
Second City Warehouse: Just like the real thing, except it beams light into space.
Second City Warehouse: Goat Gods Love Gamblers
Second City Warehouse: TramBa, Egyptian God of Smooth Conveyance
Second City Warehouse: "Bye, Puny Humans! Don't let the tomb door hit you on the ass on your way out!"
Second City Warehouse: "Let the power of the Hasselhoff COMPEL you!"