chicadecasa: 28 hours from airport to airport... so ready for some In-n-Out!
chicadecasa: Learning how to play bocce
chicadecasa: All that puppy love
chicadecasa: All that puppy love
chicadecasa: Let’s get ready for some baseball!
chicadecasa: Let’s get ready for some baseball!
chicadecasa: Let’s get ready for some baseball!
chicadecasa: Let’s get ready for some baseball!
chicadecasa: Fireworks after the Ace’s game
chicadecasa: Let’s get ready for some baseball!
chicadecasa: Let’s get ready for some baseball!
chicadecasa: Let’s get ready for some baseball!
chicadecasa: Santa Cruz, here we come!
chicadecasa: Let’s get ready for some baseball!
chicadecasa: Santa Cruz at dusk
chicadecasa: We found the other side of the ocean!
chicadecasa: The song and dance of the ocean 💙
chicadecasa: “At the beach, life is different. Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun.”
chicadecasa: "You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water." Rabindranath Tagore
chicadecasa: Cliffs and coastlines
chicadecasa: Santa Cruz Boardwalk! We came here together 14 years ago (our first road trip together), and we started dating the following week! It’ll always hold a special place in our hearts 💕
chicadecasa: One of our favorite rides (the Tsunami is my favorite because I think it’s a lot of fun, and it’s Ben’s favorite because I laugh hysterically the whole time we are on it) 😂😂
chicadecasa: Steinbeck Museum!
chicadecasa: Steinbeck Museum!
chicadecasa: Beautiful sunset - can’t wait to go through the camera pictures. They won’t have captured how gorgeous the evening was, but they’ll come closer than phone pictures!
chicadecasa: Leopard shark in a kelp forest
chicadecasa: Sardines (and maybe anchovies for good measure)
chicadecasa: Sea otter munching on a squid snack
chicadecasa: This little guy’s stance reminded me of the crabs on the pipe in Finding Nemo 😂
chicadecasa: Puffins!!!!