chicadecasa: It's the first time we've seen this side of the Pacific Ocean in a while!
chicadecasa: Americana sunset
chicadecasa: Downtown Portland
chicadecasa: After a delayed flight, lost luggage, and ridiculous Tacoma traffic, we finally made it to Portland...three hours late, but late is better than never!
chicadecasa: Gorgeous Seattle afternoon
chicadecasa: Adios, Nevada!
chicadecasa: Seattle, here we come!
chicadecasa: Our annual dinosaur selfie 😂😂
chicadecasa: Great time at trivia night - Team Motherboy for the win! (I think the highlight was getting an obscure Arrested Development question after choosing a team name based on the show...)
chicadecasa: Love learning new games! Takenoko is kind of a cross between Catan and Tokaido (two of our favorites!)
chicadecasa: Fun times with family up ahead 😍😘
chicadecasa: It's not summer without a slip'n'slide...
chicadecasa: Lovely to spend time with family!
chicadecasa: Great time at trivia night - Team Motherboy for the win! (I think the highlight was getting an obscure Arrested Development question after choosing a team name based on the show...)
chicadecasa: 24 hours of traveling later... Continuing our time honored tradition of stopping for In-n-Out upon landing in Reno! Thank goodness they're open till 1:30 in the morning! 😂😂
chicadecasa: I haven't seen this bridge since I was a kid - one of my goals this summer was to visit it! #goalaccomplished
chicadecasa: I love all the totem poles around this area!
chicadecasa: Our view for the foreseeable future. Until next time, America! 💙❤️
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chicadecasa: This place has some amazing hiking trails!
chicadecasa: Hello, Tokyo!