biblio tyto: barley
biblio tyto: pouring ground barley
biblio tyto: adding clean, hot water
biblio tyto: the mash tun!
biblio tyto: sampling
biblio tyto: boiling
biblio tyto: the malt!
biblio tyto: inside the tun
biblio tyto: malt added
biblio tyto: mmmm...hops!
biblio tyto: the mighty condensor
biblio tyto: first fermenter
biblio tyto: the keg
biblio tyto: the carboy
biblio tyto: washing the keg
biblio tyto: first sample!
biblio tyto: siphon & transfer
biblio tyto: inside the keg
biblio tyto: kegged!
biblio tyto: empty carboy with yeast
biblio tyto: final product
biblio tyto: fruits of our labor