chibirock: Tainan high speed rail station.
chibirock: On the way to welcome party
chibirock: Cameraman
chibirock: Tower of iPhones
chibirock: Between handsome and rich
chibirock: Her family's Tofu factory
chibirock: Always good friends
chibirock: I'm kind of expert...?
chibirock: Beat him completely
chibirock: Farewell, Book!
chibirock: Accident in front of police station
chibirock: Huge beermug
chibirock: Art of alcohol
chibirock: Free massage before beer
chibirock: How fresh draught beer is...
chibirock: Cheers
chibirock: Peeping beer?
chibirock: Dishes of sheeps, yum!
chibirock: Too late for sunset
chibirock: Bad boy (just pretending)
chibirock: Cafe with full of Japanese magazines
chibirock: Girl's talk
chibirock: Police station
chibirock: Mango menus
chibirock: It "was" map of Tainan.
chibirock: Beautiful temple for a big girl
chibirock: My teacher for praying Taiwanese way