chibi.: letterpress letters
chibi.: fireking good morning mug
chibi.: Garfield Glass Mug
chibi.: dr.pepper crate from the 50s
chibi.: glasbake custard cup pin cusion
chibi.: federal "the hot apple" mug
chibi.: spool
chibi.: salt and pepper shaker
chibi.: Federal mug
chibi.: Federal mug
chibi.: FK French Casserole
chibi.: PYR-O-REY mini casserole
chibi.: French Casserole
chibi.: FK candle glow custard cups
chibi.: FK Primrose creamer
chibi.: Westfield(Federal) Mug
chibi.: pyrex set
chibi.: Fireking Luster Peach mug
chibi.: pink and yellow
chibi.: cupcake
chibi.: Pyrex Crazy Daisy and Woodland Mug
chibi.: Anchor Hocking Snoopy mug
chibi.: Anchor Hocking Snoopy mug
chibi.: Salt & Pepper Shakers from Gemco for Pyrex
chibi.: Federal "Capricorn" Mug
chibi.: FK Candle Glow Casserole
chibi.: Federal "Alamo Village" Mug
chibi.: Federal "Alamo Village" Mug
chibi.: WILLIG