Chibcha: Eagle heads. Crysler Building
Chibcha: Madison Av.
Chibcha: Madison Av.
Chibcha: People in the city
Chibcha: Rascacielos
Chibcha: The Power of the Empire
Chibcha: People from New York
Chibcha: Public Library
Chibcha: Red - green
Chibcha: Leona
Chibcha: Grand Central al fondo
Chibcha: Grand Central
Chibcha: Grand Central
Chibcha: Grand Central
Chibcha: Mucha gente adentro haciendo cosas.
Chibcha: La punta
Chibcha: The Top Concreto
Chibcha: People from New York
Chibcha: People from New York - Sunglasses all the way
Chibcha: People from New York
Chibcha: People from New York
Chibcha: People from New York
Chibcha: People from New York
Chibcha: New York
Chibcha: Rockefeller Center
Chibcha: St Patricks cathedral
Chibcha: St Patricks cathedral
Chibcha: 5th Av - 58th St
Chibcha: Bebé abandonado
Chibcha: Central Park