analuciaby: day before
analuciaby: great dome
analuciaby: grrrraduate
analuciaby: ready to go!
analuciaby: under the poncho
analuciaby: view from the side
analuciaby: DSCF5319
analuciaby: excited and anxious
analuciaby: dustin
analuciaby: marty
analuciaby: DSCF5327
analuciaby: whitmore
analuciaby: other view
analuciaby: so proud
analuciaby: at laura's party
analuciaby: cheese & crudites table
analuciaby: gotta make a phone call
analuciaby: conor
analuciaby: light supper
analuciaby: the other outdoor table
analuciaby: so delicious
analuciaby: DSCF5348
analuciaby: 1 2 3 cake
analuciaby: victory