chi-diver: Children baking cookies on their own is quite possibly the best Christmas present
chi-diver: Children baking cookies on their own is quite possibly the best Christmas present
chi-diver: 7yo came home from school bored, solved her problem while I worked
chi-diver: Not sure I'm sleeping here tonight like I planned...
chi-diver: First week of school fun
chi-diver: Romy cooking, by Charlotte
chi-diver: "Ewwww, disgusting!" They cried with glee.
chi-diver: "Ewwww, disgusting!" They cried with glee.
chi-diver: "Ewwww, disgusting!" They cried with glee.
chi-diver: She's never even heard the song "Vogue", poses anyways
chi-diver: She's never even heard the song "Vogue", poses anyways
chi-diver: Reading at the library
chi-diver: "The dead ones we're not playing with have to be in a pile." Preschool logic.
chi-diver: "The dead ones we're not playing with have to be in a pile." Preschool logic.
chi-diver: "The dead ones we're not playing with have to be in a pile." Preschool logic.
chi-diver: Girls and a fire pit
chi-diver: The beige is COVERING the white. Previous owners apparently really sucked at painting. This is the front entrance.
chi-diver: See, LEGO friends don't have to be "girly" and awful, they can be Viking warriors, too!
chi-diver: reading together
chi-diver: Romy's dinner
chi-diver: She is SO much a mini me, but a girl. #dancingfiend
chi-diver: She is SO much a mini me, but a girl. #dancingfiend
chi-diver: She is SO much a mini me, but a girl. #dancingfiend
chi-diver: Climbers
chi-diver: Static
chi-diver: Seriously. January in Chicago