chi-diver: Photo
chi-diver: 4 months old today!
chi-diver: Beautiful dreamer...
chi-diver: Romy-TimeAfterTime22
chi-diver: Romy-TimeAfterTime01
chi-diver: Romy-TimeAfterTime02
chi-diver: Hello there!
chi-diver: Hello there!
chi-diver: And the Saturn is sold. 95k miles in 12 years, no breakdowns, only 2 minor accidents. Sad day. It was the first purchase, major or other, that Amanda Himle Auch and I made together in Chicago. Hope I chose even half as good for the next one.
chi-diver: Roasted Red Pepper, Broccoli, Gouda on toast #toddlerfood
chi-diver: Romy's new Pancake mix (toy) nutrition facts.
chi-diver: Charlotte practicing crawling
chi-diver: 2013-03-02_15-56-59_410.jpg
chi-diver: DSCF9761
chi-diver: Daycare sent this bag home with girls. Romy says, "Daddy, it has boys on it."