GlobalCommunities: Community members celebrate their harvest
GlobalCommunities: Meeting with agriculture Asset Building Group (ABG) members
GlobalCommunities: Community members digging irrigation canal
GlobalCommunities: Pumps provided by CHF to irrigate fields
GlobalCommunities: Pumps used for irrigation
GlobalCommunities: Irrigated field - allows community members to have 2 growing seasons
GlobalCommunities: Asset Building Group member working in irrigated maize field
GlobalCommunities: Group members weeding maize field
GlobalCommunities: Members harvesting maize
GlobalCommunities: Maize harvest remnants are used for animal feed
GlobalCommunities: ABG members excited about their bean harvest
GlobalCommunities: Harvest remnants being used as animal feed
GlobalCommunities: Women participating in petty trade Asset Building Group
GlobalCommunities: Group members with the income they have earned from their shop
GlobalCommunities: Water transport Asset Building Group - CHF provides a donkey, barrel and cart for each member
GlobalCommunities: Kamal Arey now earns 70 birr ($4) per day by transporting water
GlobalCommunities: Kids with school books - with additional income, families can use their resources for other important needs
GlobalCommunities: Shallow well built by CHF
GlobalCommunities: Community participating in well construction
GlobalCommunities: Existing well before CHF assistance
GlobalCommunities: Well trough under construction
GlobalCommunities: Completed shallow well built by CHF
GlobalCommunities: Using well to water livestock
GlobalCommunities: For nomadic communities livestock is one of their most valuable assets
GlobalCommunities: Water provided by wells are keeping animals alive during severe rain shortages
GlobalCommunities: Youth standing in irrigated maize field