Laquet: 87/365 part 1
Laquet: 87/365 part 2
Laquet: 88/365
Laquet: Courgette and pineapple cake
Laquet: Courgette and pineapple cake
Laquet: Courgette and pineapple cake batter
Laquet: 89/365
Laquet: 90/365
Laquet: Savoury nibbles - their words not mine!
Laquet: Amuse-bouche - carrot and orange soup
Laquet: Feuilette of seafood mousse with asparagus and butter sauce
Laquet: Ham hock terrine with piccalilli and warm sourdough toast.
Laquet: Me preparing to dig in
Laquet: Halibut on a bed of spinach and fennel ribbons with a herb gnocchi, cheese gougere and bisque sauce.
Laquet: Lamb on buttered savoy cabbage with fondant potato a rosemary jus and roasted garlic served with sprouting broccoli and hollandaise
Laquet: The cheese basket
Laquet: Rhubarb souffle lemon tart with a blackcurrant coulis rhubarb ripple ice cream and coconut ice with a mango dab
Laquet: 91/365
Laquet: 92/365
Laquet: 93/365
Laquet: 94/365 part 1
Laquet: 94/365 part 2
Laquet: 94/365 part 3
Laquet: 95/365
Laquet: 96/365
Laquet: 97/365 part 1
Laquet: 97/365 part 2
Laquet: The cliffs at Birling Gap
Laquet: Beachey Head - The Belle Tout lighthouse
Laquet: Beachey Head - The Belle Tout lighthouse